The Office of the First Lady (OPD) hosted the first session of the General Coordination of the Asunción – 500 Years Commission, an inter-institutional initiative that seeks to transform the capital in view of its 500th anniversary in 2037. The meeting, headed by the First Lady, Leticia Ocampos, brought together national and municipal authorities to present progress and key projects aimed at the revitalization of the historic center and the improvement of urban infrastructure.
Among the participants were Minister Claudia Centurión of the MOPC, Minister Angie Duarte of the General Secretariat of Tourism, Minister Adriana Ortiz of the Ministry of Culture, the president of ANDE, engineer Félix Sosa, the Coordinator of the OPD, Alicia Pomata, the mayor of Asunción, Oscar Rodríguez, and the Vice Minister of Security of the Ministry of the Interior, Oscar Pereira.
The Minister of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), Claudia Centurión, presented the progress of the Urban Resilience program, developed with the support of the World Bank. One of the most relevant projects is the burying of high voltage lines, with an investment of USD 8 million, which will allow the elimination of overhead cables on the Costanera of Asunción. This work will improve the aesthetics of the place, reduce security risks and guarantee a modern and efficient infrastructure. Another of the main axes is the revitalization of the Caballero Park, whose first phase will begin in September 2025 and will include an intervention in 13 hectares with an investment of USD 6 million. The restoration of trails, the reforestation of green areas, the construction of recreational areas, the installation of urban furniture and the rehabilitation of historical structures will be carried out.
In addition, the restoration of the Historic Centre will be promoted, starting with the renovation of Plaza Uruguaya, Plaza Mayor and Calle Paraguayo Independiente, in collaboration with the National Secretariat of Culture (SNC) and the Municipality of Asunción. The works will include the restoration of monuments, the installation of new lighting, the renovation of pavement and the expansion of pedestrian spaces. Later, Palma Street and the Cuatro Plazas area will be worked on with work to improve street furniture, the conservation of heritage buildings and the creation of new cultural spaces. The comprehensive restoration of the squares in front of the Cathedral of Asunción will also be carried out, with the aim of revaluing the city's historical monuments, renovating the gardens and improving access for visitors.
For its part, the National Electricity Administration (ANDE) presented the progress of the "Centro Brilla" plan, which aims to bury cables in coordination with the Municipality of Asunción. The Municipality will also carry out the renovation and unification of sidewalks in the areas affected. Modern and resistant materials will be used that allow easy maintenance and greater durability. The National Secretariat of Culture will supervise the archaeological work in these areas, given their historical importance.
The Vice Minister of Internal Security, Oscar Pereira, addressed the strategies for inter-institutional coordination to address social problems that impact the security of the historic center. A joint working group was established to guarantee a comprehensive and effective approach in the management of these issues.
The mayor of Asunción, Oscar Rodríguez, presented the pedestrianization project for Chile Street and the intervention in the Four Plazas of the Panteón de los Héroes. The project will include vehicle closures at certain times, the renewal of paving, the widening of sidewalks, the installation of rest areas and the improvement of public lighting. These works, which will be carried out in two phases starting this year, seek to improve pedestrian mobility and the enjoyment of public space in the city. During the session, it was agreed to draw up a single calendar that includes all the interventions scheduled in the historic center, in order to optimize the execution of the projects, avoid overlaps and guarantee an orderly and efficient transformation of the city.
The director of the Executive Directorate of the Historic Center of Asunción, Omar Cubas, highlighted that the meeting was aligned with the coordination established by decree under the initiative "Asunción, Mother of Cities - 500 years." This inter-institutional effort allows the Municipality of Asunción to work together with public and private entities to develop key projects in the Historic Center. Cubas emphasized that these initiatives are linked to "Centro Brilla", promoted by the OPD, with the aim of revitalizing the ground zero of the city, where the National Pantheon of Heroes is located.
The session concluded with a commitment from all participating institutions to continue with the implementation of the projects, ensuring sustainability and a positive impact on the city in view of its 500th anniversary.